©Andrew Yinger, 2004-2009 
GOTO: Fantasy Armor stats GOTO: Ranged Weapon stats

Table: Weapons

Melee WeaponsDamage (thrust, swing) MinStr3 Reach4 CostSkills Mods2 Weight1 Notes3
   Bastardswordthrust +1, swing +1111,2 650broad-sword, two-hand-sword 5lbs U/+1 dam 2h
   Bastardsword, Thrustingthrust +2, swing +1111,2 750broad-sword, two-hand-sword 5lbs U/+1 dam 2h
   Battle Axethrust -1, swing +2111 100axe-mace 4lbs U, thrust
   Bokkenthrust +1, swing +1111 25katana, broad-sword 3lbs wooden sword
   Broadswordthrust +1, swing +1101 500broad-sword 3lbs crush thrust
   Broadsword, Thrustingthrust +2, swing +1101 600broad-sword 3lbs imp thrust
   Claymorethrust +3, swing +2111,2 900two-hand-sword 6lbs 2-handed
   Club - greatthrust -, swing +3141,2 10two-hand-axe-mace 7.5lbs U, 2-h
   Club - lightthrust -, swing +1101 5broad-sword 3lbs U, crush
   Cutlassthrust +1, swing +09 1 300fencing, short-sword 2.5lbs imp thrust
   Dark-Elven Bladethrust +1, swing -26 1 800short-swordexotic-craftmanship, poison-reservoir2lbs max dam 2d
   Dwarven War-Axethrust +0, swing +2121 1,500axe-maceadamantine4.5lbs U, thrust
   Elven Longswordthrust +2, swing +09 1 1,000fencing, broad-swordexotic-craftmanship, lightened2.5lbs imp thrust
   Elàrian Fine Spearthrust +2, swing -9 1,2 300spear, spear-throwingfine-craftmanship3lbs +1 dam 2h
   Escrima Sticksthrust +0, swing +0- 1 10short-staff 2lbs cr thrust
   Falchionthrust +0, swing +1101 350short-sword 3lbs imp thrust
   Flailthrust -, swing +4131,2 100flail 8lbs U, 2h
   Flambergethrust +2, swing +3121,2 920two-hand-sword 6.5lbs 2-handed
   Glaivethrust +3, swing +3111-3 110pole-arm 8lbs U, 2h
   Gnomish Hammerthrust -, swing +1101 800axe-maceexotic-craftmanship, lightened4lbs U, imp/crush
   Great Axethrust +1, swing +4131,2 100two-hand-axe-mace 9lbs U, thrust
   Greatswordthrust +3, swing +3131,2 1,000two-hand-sword 7lbs 2-handed
   Gumthrust +1, swing +2111,2 1,000katana, broad-sword 4.5lbs fine quality
   Halberdthrust +3, swing +5131-3 160pole-arm 12lbs U, 2h
   Half Spearthrust +2, swing -27 1 30spear, spear-throwing 3lbs crush swing
   Hatchetthrust -, swing +081 40axe-mace 2lbs U
   Kamathrust -, swing +1101 120axe-mace 2lbs U
   Katanathrust +1, swing +2111,2 1,000katana, broad-sword 4lbs fine quality
   Kusarithrust -, swing +2111-4 70kusari, flail 4lbs U
   Kusari-gamathrust -, swing +2111-4 100kusari, flail 4.5lbs U
   Large Knifethrust +0, swing -2- c,1 40knife, main-gauche 1lbs max dam 1d+2
   Long Spearthrust +3, swing -9 1-3 90spear, pole-arm 5lbs 2-handed
   Longswordthrust +2, swing +09 1 500broad-sword 2.5lbs imp thrust
   Mace - Footman'sthrust -, swing +3121 50axe-mace 5lbs U
 Damage (thrust, swing) MinStr3 Reach4 CostSkills Mods2 Weight1 Notes3
   Mace - Horseman'sthrust -, swing +291 40axe-mace 3lbs U
   Mage Staffthrust +2, swing +26 1,2 200staffstaff-enchantment4lbs 2h, parry +1
   Main-Gauchethrust +0, swing -2- c,1 120main-gauche, knife 1.5lbs max dam 1d+2
   Maulthrust -, swing +5131,2 90two-hand-axe-mace 12lbs U, 2h
   Morningstarthrust -, swing +3121 80flail 6lbs U
   Naginatathrust +3, swing +291-2 500pole-arm 6lbs U, 2h
   Nunchakuthrust -, swing +2101 30flail 3lbs U
   Orcish Pickthrust +1, swing +1111 100axe-mace 4lbs U, imp
   Pickthrust -, swing +1101 70axe-mace 3lbs U, imp
   Pikethrust +4, swing -121-3 120pole-arm, spear 6lbs U, 2h
   Rapierthrust +1, swing -- 1,2 500fencing 2.5lbs max dam 1d+2
   Saberthrust +0, swing +06 1 300fencing, short-sword 2lbs max imp 1d+2
   Saithrust +0, swing +0- 1 30jitte-sai 2lbs +2 disarm
   Scimitarthrust +0, swing +2121 530broad-sword 3.5lbs U,imp thrust
   Scramsaxthrust -, swing +2111 220broad-sword 3.5lbs U, no thrust
   Shortswordthrust +0, swing +07 1 400short-sword 2lbs imp thrust
   Small Knife/Daggerthrust -1, swing -3- c,1 30knife .5lbs max dam 1d+1
   Small swordthrust +1, swing -- 1 190short-sword, fencing 1lbs max dam 1d+2
   Spearthrust +2, swing -9 1,2 40spear, spear-throwing 4lbs +1 dam 2h
   Spiked Clubthrust -, swing +2111 30broad-sword 3.4lbs crushing
   Staffthrust +2, swing +26 1,2 10staff 4lbs 2h, parry +2
   Sword-Rapierthrust +1, swing +010 1,2 760fencing 2.75lbs max cut 1d+2
   Tridentthrust +2, swing -111,2 100spear 5lbs +2 disarm
   Warhammerthrust -, swing +3131,2 100two-hand-axe-mace 7lbs 1tn rdy, 2himp
   Whipthrust -, swing -2101-7 20whip 4lbs max dam 1d-1
Ranged Weapons Damage (thrust, swing) st acc rof cost Skills Mods2 Weight1 Notes
   Composite Shortbowthrust +1, swing -711/3400bow none2lbs
   Composite bowthrust +3, swing -1031/3900bow none4lbs
   Crossbowthrust +4, swing -741/5150crossbow none6lbs
   Double Crossbowthrust +2, swing -1232/4800crossbow none8lbs
   Elàrian Dartbowthrust +0, swing -933/9950crossbowexotic-craftmanship4lbsfixed strength
   Elàrian Scorpiothrust +2d+1+(2), swing -16t61-101,500gunner:ballistaexotic-craftmanship57lbsfixed strength
   Gnomish Dartbowthrust +0, swing -721/2600crossbow none2lbsfixed strength
   Javelin(s)thrust +1, swing -7315spear, spear-throwing, throwing none2lbs
   Large Throwing Knife(s)thrust +0, swing -- 130knife-throwing, throwing, knife none1lbs
   Light Crossbowthrust +2, swing -831/4100crossbow none4lbs
   Longbowthrust +2, swing -1131/3200bow none3lbs
   Pistol Crossbowthrust -1, swing -611/3200crossbow none1lbsfixed strength
   Short bowthrust +0, swing -611/3130bow none2lbs
   Shurikenthrust -1, swing -- 010knife-throwing, throwing none.5lbs
   Slingthrust -, swing +0- 01/310sling none.5lbs
   Small Throwing Knife(s)thrust -1, swing -- 020knife-throwing, throwing none.5lbs
   Throwing Axe(s)thrust -, swing +19160axe-mace, axe-throwing, throwing none3lbs
1 Weight figures are for Medium weapons. A Small weapon weighs half as much, and a Large weapon weighs twice as much.
2 Weapons mods are for special weapons, which are not commonly available.
3 "U" Unbalanced weapon: after a parry, an unbalanced weapon will suffer a swing penalthy of (MinStr+5 - Strength) if not re-readied.
  *Any* weapon swung in consecutive attacks will suffer a swing penalthy of (MinStr+5 - Strength) if not re-readied between attacks.
   A one-handed weapon wielded with two-hands does not suffer these penalties.
4 Reach weapons: changing to a different reach requires a ready maneuver.
5 Double weapons: There are no double weapons. Double weapons are dumb.